Monday, September 28, 2015

Easy Basil Chicken

One of my favorite and easy dishes is marinating & grilling organic chicken thighs. I use a lot of chicken thighs because they are cheap and moist and boneless. 

This basil sauce is super easy and delicious. I like to use my mini blender. I stuff it full of basil leaves, 2 frozen cubes of garlic (equal to two cloves), sea salt, fresh pepper, & enough avocado oil to make it runny. 

When I cook, I use a lot of ratios and not exact measurements. It gets easier with practice but in this case, 2 or 5 leaves aren't going to make a big difference. You are going for flavor here! 

I dump the sauce all over the chicken and let it marinate for 30 minutes, flipping over, & then grill them on med-low till cooked through. My boys like it when I slice them up. 

This sauce is great for a lot of applications such as with tomatoes & mozzarella, on beef, or mixed in cooked pasta or rice. 


Friday, January 23, 2015

It is with great excitement that we are announcing the launch of the Primal 90: Total Mind-Body Transformation System!  This is NOT another summit.  We (along with much of our audience) have grown weary of the standard summit system. While we do find the information shared in summits to be valuable, we feel like the Primal 90 system we've created is a superior approach to helping people get REAL results. 
In addition to over 30 video interviews/segments with industry-leading doctors, researchers, authors, practitioners, chefs, and farmers we've put together: 
  • 22 educational/instructional videos - an entire online course! 
  • Dozens of guides, checklists, worksheets, and other tools to help those who purchase the program to easily put everything they're learning into action.
  • 9 meal plans, covering some basic real food templates, as well as, a number of therapeutic diets including over 250 recipes! 
  • A "Buyer's Club" for our members, where they will be able to receive discounts on a number of our favorite health & wellness products and services.  (If you've got a product or service you'd like to add into the mix, let us know)
Remember, this is not just another summit.  The free roll-out event features 1 new free video being released each day, and that video will be available for 72 hours. This differs greatly from the standard approach of posting 3-4 videos and giving people only 24 hours to view them. We want people to actually be able to see all the interviews/segments without feeling rushed or pressured! 

Yes, we are featuring expert interviews from many familiar names as well as people you may not know. yet. Our first priority was to create a superior event and product. To us that meant including people who have a powerful and helpful message to share regardless of the size of their email list.

Familiar experts include:
- Dr. Terry Wahls
- Dr. Daniel Kalish
- Stefani Ruper
- Dr. Allison Siebecker
- Jordan Reasoner
- Reed Davis
... and many more familiar faces.

Experts you may not know (but should because they're AMAZING):
- Dr. Sachin Patel
- Chad and Brenda Walding
- Jennifer Fugo
- Sara Eye
- Kiran Krishnan
- Orleatha Smith
... and many, many more.
Check out the Primal90 Free Event Registration Page HERE to see the full line-up of guests for this free launch event!   

The program itself will be rolled out (immediately following the free event) as a 12-week course, with a new module being released each week to our members. Each module will consist of 1-2 videos from us, as well as between 2-4 guest expert video segments, along with all the tools they need to implement what they're learning in that particular unit. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Primal 90

I'm so excited to be affiliated with this great new program Primal 90!

To learn more, Click here!