Friday, August 19, 2011

Being Intentional

I just read this post by author Jody Hedlund.

It has really made me think about planning my life, being intentional and not just carried away by the moment.  It's especially a struggle for me as we start our homeschooling year in 2 1/2 weeks.  We have almost doubled our curriculum work from last year and we will have to be structured to get it done.  Social media can be such a distraction.

My goal today is to type out schedules for all 4 boys for at least half the year, kind of like a student guide for each kid.  It will keep us all accountable.  I found a template in Windows (7) for making Academic Schedules. So cool!

Read the article.

If I don't surface within 6 hours, send help!
The Lunch Lady

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