Friday, April 29, 2011

Tea for Me...

The girl...okay me really wants to have a High Tea in honor of the Royal Wedding.

Royal Weddings don't happen very often and I, for one, aim to celebrate the good things in life.
There are plenty of terrible things going on in the world at the moment. Life is hard. It's harsh.  But there is also beauty so I'm celebrating it.

I have a problem. There are no other princesses in my house. Only princes. Lots of princes. And they don't like to dress up for tea. At least I don't think so.  Especially not at 6 am in the morning. So, I may have to do this one by myself.

I'm thinking scones will be on the menu. And maybe some tea sandwiches?

I think we'll talk about England today in school.  I'm fascinated by Royalty.  Maybe because I too, have a queen, being from Holland.  It seems so much more exciting that the President and First Lady.  There isn't any lineage in them. No blood line and honor passed down from generation to generation that they must uphold and maintain.

My real British Tea "Mug"

Going to brew my tea now.
Happy Wedding,
The Lunch Lady

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